The most beneficial effects from testosterone optimization are an increase in skeletal muscle and a decrease in fat, primarily visceral fat. Both of those benefits dramatically improve metabolic health. Insulin resistance improves and inflammation decreases throughout the body. Inflammation is the cornerstone of nearly every disease.
How a patient feels, mood, and libido are very subjective things that can be affected by many things other than testosterone. Testosterone can help with those things but, where the rubber meets the road, is testosterone’s effect on increasing muscularity, decreasing fat, improving insulin resistance, and decreasing inflammation.
Optimizing testosterone can significantly improve one’s metabolic health. Metabolic health is best assessed by a comprehensive metabolic lab panel, a fasting insulin level, a hemoglobin A1c level, and a body composition analysis. All of those tests are available in The Men’s Clinic.
Our goal in The Men’s Clinic is to keep our men as heathy and strong as possible no matter their age. Optimizing testosterone and improving metabolic health help us achieve that goal.
-Michael Manning, MD